A couple of HP alumni mentioned about folding bikes, exercise, and alumni meet up to me. It did not take me long to decide that the idea was good and aligned to my life goals. I did some research on folding bikes and to my surprise; this is an exploding industry, as more people become more environmentally friendly.
It was reported that the OCBC Cycle 2101 (March) in Singapore this year drew 9500 versus 5000 cyclists last year. The Taipei Cycle exhibition is one where bike enthusiasts will be happy to attend. The magazine, Spin Asia is a must read to have a better appreciation of this industry (http://www.motorculture.com.sg/page27.html).
I decided to purchase the Birdy Touring (http://www.birdy.com.au/) which has 24 gears (3 x 8) to allow me to have more flexibility to build up my stamina. I like the idea of the monocoque frame and the discounted pricing by DigiNexx helps to come to the decision.
Since April 9, I have been using the Upper Thomson, Venus and Old Upper Thomson Road. I tried to reach Upper Pierce Reservoir which has very steep slopes; but after two attempts, I am still not there. The 2nd attempt was closed enough, but I have to make several stops to catch my breath. I felt like my heart would just explode! I have to watch my crazy action to take it one step at a time.
Biking gives me opportunities to understand a brand new industry, make new friends, (member of the Pentaxian group) and of course blend in my photography to have a healthy balance of living a good life.
Let the fun begins!