June 18 was a new experience for me to see how creative children can be, even under stress.
There were about 80 of them, from Primary One (7 years old) to Secondary Four (16 years old). They were given a story (The Pancake, by Asbjornsen and Moe) and then to creatively act it out, either using that story line or changed the setting.
Incredibly, the Secondary One (above picture) was able to create a scientific fiction from a story as mundane as "The Pancake"!
I was helping out as part of the volunteer effort with the Singapore Writers Society (see Links I Like, in this blog) which did this joint effort with the National University of Singapore (NUS) Alumni.
In short, only when you go on the "road less travelled" will one get surprises, be they pleasant or not. This path was certainly a pleasant and a wonderful experience.