This article is for readers who are invested in the equity market, or who are thinking of making some money out of it. Money is the mean to an end not an end in itself. This ought to be the guiding principle in investing. I have seen a few cycles of bull and bear market. In the early 90s, there was a super-bull run, whereby the joke was to paste the stock market page on a wall, and then you throw a dart at it. Then you go to the stock market and buy that stock. You will make money. Wasn't that easy? Indeed, few people were seriously working. Most were punting and some did make a killing by getting out early, before it crashed. Many people were hurt, and some swore never to buy into equity again. The equity market can be indeed a casino during a bull run, where you buy in the morning and sell the next day or so. You do not even have to fork out any money. This is because the brokerage provides a transaction plus a number of days, usually three (T+3) before you settle your purchase. ...
Sight - the sensory perception results in an image. A series of image creates a story. The story invokes an emotion. The emotion surfaces an experience. The experience provokes a judgement. That judgement brings about an insight. Life is indeed a cause and effect - a sight to insight. Learn from the gift of sight daily. Share your gift of insight to everyone.